Eddie and Kara's X-mas Tree

Eddie and Kara's X-mas Tree

Christmas and My 22nd Birthday!!

Well... what can I say? Another year of Christmas has came and went already. It was a really busy year for us. This year we found ourselves going from family to family to make sure that we saw everyone. But, I dont mind. The last thing I would want to do is not go see one of our grandparents, and before you know it they are gone. This year for Christmas was our first tradition of Christmas eve without my Grampa. :( You could tell that there was a certain silence this year.... like something was missing. And there was.... He was missing. I know he was there looking down on us and our family that he has created, and that brings a smile to my face just knowing in my heart that he was there... maybe not physically... but in all of our hearts. We visited my The Marin family and the Gonzales family on Christmas Eve. We had a fun time. The next morning we woke up and had breakfast with Eddies mom and step dad, and his brothers and sister and niece and nephew. That is another tradition that we will make it too every year as well, and one that we will look forward too. Then Christmas afternoon, we went over to visit my grandparents on my moms side. Again.... another tradition that we made it too. We ate and ate and ate....and opened presents. I am very thankful for everything that I have gotten for Christmas. I am especially excited about the gifts that I got from Eddie!! A new digital camera!!! :), a extremely cute Jacket, and some other things that I asked for. :) I was VERY happy. After finally taking a break on Christmas day... and finally driving home to our apartment, we finally got to rest. The next day was my 22nd birthday! It was layed back. My mom, Celine, and mY bestest friend Ana came down to take me to lunch and watch a movie,.... Have girl time. After that me and Eddie went to eat dinner, have a couple drinks, and watch another movie. He sang happy birthday to me with my favorite..... and icecream cake..... 22 feels the same as 21 did, and 20... I dont feel any older yet. But time does fly. But I can say I am thankful for the people that are in my life, and thr family that I love that is always there for me no matter what. I love you all. XOXOXOX

Eddie and Kara

Eddie and Kara

Our Stockings!

Our Stockings!

Mom, Dad, and Kara

Mom, Dad, and Kara

Me and My Dad :)

Me and My Dad :)

Me and Gramma - Christmas 08

Me and Gramma - Christmas 08

Me and Celine

Me and Celine

Kara and Grampa Christmas 08

Kara and Grampa Christmas 08

Ana and Kara - 22nd Birthday

Ana and Kara - 22nd Birthday


Halloween.... fun time. We had my brothers last football game of high school to attend to on Halloween night. It was sad but exciting at the same time. Its crazy to think that my little brothers that I have been watching over for the past seventeen years are already getting ready to complete a milestone in their life..... crazy...... So I guess you could say that for Halloween... they were two great miami vandal football players..... along with Celine. she decided that is what she wanted to be. :) Me and Eddie decided that we were going to go to his families Halloween party that they throw every year after the game. I went as reggedy Anne... he went as a Jabba Wockee.... We drank a little bit then went home. Nothing too out of the ordinary. But.. I am glad that everyibe had a good and safe Halloween. We love you all. xoxoxoxo

Family pic at halloween

Family pic at halloween
The Family at Halloween

Raggedy Anne and A Jabba Wockee

Halloween Pic

Halloween Pic
Eddie in his costume

Eddie..... NICE!

Eddie..... NICE!

Mrs. Always Right

Mrs. Always Right

Fun Weekend... Us Three Cousins!!! :)

So...... This weekend Me and Eddie and Christy invited my well mannered cousin Brittney down with her boyfriend Eric to show them a good time.... since they are sooo proper!! SIIIIKKKKKEEEEEE. (just kidding Britt) Anyways.... we wanted to have a good time so we thought we would meet up to go have dinner and then buy some drinks and just kick back and not get to drunk. I had to work the next day... so I was not too into the fact of getting wasted. Anyways.. Eric and Britt met up with us that evening and we went to dinner. It was nice to just catch up and just have all three of us cousins, Me Christy, and Britt, together. After dinner we decided to go the the storeof course and buy some stuff to make margaritas... and some beer for Eddie and Eric... and then while we were there we decided to get a bottle of patron... :S The only good thing that came out of that dang bottle of Patron is that the lady mis-charged me for it.... It was a 50.00 bottle and she only charged me 25.00 Hehehe So we went back to the apartment and...... started playing the card game 21... we came up with the great idea of having the winner take a shot instead of the Losers.... we would run out too fast if we played that way. So Britt was in the kitchen makin some REALLY good margaritas, while the rest of us were playin cards. So..... at about 10:30..... (really early) I would have to say all of us girls were knocked on our ass. :P and as the night progressed.... we only got worse.... Im just going to say this.... Im done drinking for a while.... and I know I have said that before, but this time.... SO SERIOUS! lol But all in all, I wouldnt take any of it back. Whether it was running around the apartment singing and dancing or crying because of the alcohol.. (or drunk dialing Christy) lol or passing out in the shower.. or in all the different rooms of the apartment, or getting bit by the turtle, or getting burned by cigarettes, or hurting our hands from punching the punching bag so hard... It dont matter... Just another night to add to our memories! I cant wait to do it again.... I love you cousins... Christy... and Britt!!! Till next time, God bless everyone...



Kara and Christy

Kara and Christy

The Three Amigos.... Or Cousins!!

The Three Amigos.... Or Cousins!!

Britt and Christy!!!

Britt and Christy!!!

We Love Britt...

We Love Britt...

Me and Eddie

Me and Eddie

My Boys and Celine

My Boys and Celine

Gregg, Dad, Mom, and Chris

Gregg, Dad, Mom, and Chris

Two Greggs and Two Chris' :)

Two Greggs and Two Chris' :)

Weekend In Globe

Well... I am exhausted. I feel like every part of my body is drained. Emotionally and physically. We spent the weekend in Globe. Eddie and I decided to go up on Thursday for my brothers homecoming game and watch them play. Chris broke a record of having the most rushing yards in one game and had 5 touchdowns. Gregg made two touchdowns and kicked ass on defense. :) They dedicated their game and performance to my Grampa, that was very sweet of them. They had alot of family support at the game..... everyone was in town to attend my Grampa's funeral :( so all my family decided to go.... thinking it might be uplifting. and it was for a little bit. Friday came and went...... I attended my Grampas funeral..... I never have lost anyone that close to me. It was EXTEMELY hard to be there. For a minute I find myself thinking if its for real or not. But unfortunately... it is. I miss him alot an it seems as though all hours and moments of the day he is going through my head. I try not to cry when I think about it... but cant help it most of the time. Which is why I am thankful to have Eddie be there for me as well as my lil cousin Christy..... its a little family away from home. Saturday when we had to leave to come back to face reality in the valley.. my heart hurt so bad because I had to leave all of my family that had been comforting me and me comforting them all weekend. All I can do is count down the days till I will be able to spend time with all of them again..... But now that I am back at work... going on with everyday life.... I know that there will not be a day that I wont think of my Grampa.... Now every day I am going to make sure that I make it a point to tell everyone in my life that I love them with all my heart no telling when they might be taken from you.



My Grampa!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from who they love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.""A grandpa is someone you never outgrow your need for.."My Grampa was.... someone that in words could not be described. He is in a better place now and is missed so so so much already. Early this morning, as all of our family that got the news we have all been dreading, I watched my family drop their heads. For a couple of moments there was complete silence, as if nobody in the room could take in what was just told to us. I felt my heart start to hurt and my throat start to get scratchy when I decided to get up and leave the waiting room full of my family. I walked out into the hallway with Eddie right behind me. And all I can remember is pressing my face into his chest and crying, trying so hard to stop. I finally decided to look up and take a deep breath, then saw my Dad coming towards me. My Dad I can honestly say, is a weak spot for me. He has always been a tough guy, especially for me. If I see him upset, it hurts a part of my heart. After going back and fourth from Eddie to my Dad, crying on both of their chests, my eyes hurt so bad that I couldnt cry anymore. After sitting there in complete distress as to what our family has to cope with now, I would find all of us so upset one moment and then laughing and reminissing on all of the memories we had of our grampa. I can remember when I was little and he would hold all of us grandkids down and draw a watch on our arm with an ink pen. Or when he would pretend that he was going to burn us with his lighter. And when he would paint all of our nails with super glue instead of nail polish when we wanted our nails painted, When he would squeeze my thigh while I was sitting next to him, but when I would laugh so hard,When he went through his phase where he always carried around that camera with him to record everything and everyone around him, When he would go to the dollar store and come and brag about all the stuff he could get for a couple dollars, When I would take a picture and send it to someone, He would say "Wow, you can send that to another phone, no kiddin?", When I would see him driving so slow on the highway with his little dog in the passenger seat, Or when he would ask me If I wanted to buy his dog for 5 bucks. lol There are so many GREAT memories that Im sure each of us has. I will remember my grampa as a strong, wise, lovable, and highly respected man. He is Greatly missed. But at least we know he is doing better and is looking down over us smiling. I Love You Grampa. XOXOXOXOXOXO

UGH!!! Tired!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ok..... so, I am sitting here at home, by myself with nothing to do but watch T.V. and be on my computer. My cousin Christy is at her softball game that I should of went to so I wouldnt be so bored and Eddie is in San Manuel filming my brothers football game. So that leaves me here all by myself updating our blog. To update everyone.... just a couple new things were up to lately. Eddie is still going to school and working full time in Globe, as well as me working full time and going up to Globe to work on Saturdays. By the end of the week we are pretty much exhausted. I LOVE my new job at Bloomingdales/Macy's Credit and Customer service center. I have been there for 5 full weeks. Today was actually my graduation from training. It was hard but I can say I completed the classes with a 98% average. :) I was real excited because I get 9 college credits through Rio Salado College to go towards a BA degree in Organizational management. I like it alot..... Eddie has some projects he has been up to also. He is actually in the process of making highlight films of each football game for Miami High School to distribute to the players as well as any fans that would be interested. He is also working on all of his new pictures and designs to be put on clothing. He is excited, and I know he will accomplish any goal he puts his mind too. Even though it seems like it might not be the right time.... He always seems to figure out how to make it work. So... he has his hands a little full right now. But of course will pay off in the long run. :) It was once said by Napoleon Hill, "Do not wait; the time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."

Fun Night Out!!!!

Last weekend Me and my friend Shantel, Eddie and Isaac decided that it would be fun to go out one weekend! So..... we did after the Globe-Miami game on Friday. We ran into some old friends from high school and thought it would be fun to just go and catch up. We had alot of fun on Friday..... nothing to major though..... We just played pool and drank a couple drinks. It was fun hanging out with them....BUT...... Then Saturday we went to watch the UFC fights in the valley and after that we thought we would go out again. FUN TIME... FUN TIME.... we danced and drank.... then went and ate at 3:00am in the morning at IHOP!!! I havent had such a good time in a long time. But after camping.... and going out.....We are both done drinking for a while!! :)

In The Club!!!

In The Club!!!



Soooooo Drunk!!! Ha Ha

Soooooo Drunk!!! Ha Ha

Wanna Take a Shower

Wanna Take a Shower

Scrubbed Out!

Scrubbed Out!

Me and Christy

Me and Christy

Pretty Picture

Pretty Picture

Adam & Christy

Adam & Christy

Our Camping Site

Our Camping Site

Shadow Puppets

Shadow Puppets



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Eddie!!!!

Well...... coming up on September 2nd is Eddie's 24th Birthday! For his birthday we have been planning on going camping this coming up labor day weekend! We are so excited. We have been looking forward to getting away and just kicking back and relaxing! I am counting down the days! We have decided to go up to a little camping place up on the way to Payson, called Rose Creek. We plan on having alot of fun... playing horse shoes.... drinking.... BBQ-ing, and enjoying being outside. Even though we might not be able to have cake and icecream, I know Eddie is going to enjoy camping for his Birthday! I will be sure to post some pictures when we get back.
Bye for now!!! :)

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